
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

anita vandenbeld

13 articles :

PGA’s Parliamentary Rapid Response Team Strongly Condemns the killing of Former MP Ms. Mursal Nabizada

The Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT) publicly condemns the vile assassination of former Afghan Member of Parliament, Ms. Mursal Nabiada, by the Taliban regime.

L’Equipe parlementaire de réponse rapide (EPRR)

Increasing consensus holds that democracy is in decline globally. Elements of backsliding include progressive erosion of such principles as separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial independence...

Guerre en Ukraine

Guerre en Ukraine

Dans Actualités

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. This premeditated, unjustified, and unjustifiable invasion, firmly condemned by PGA, represents an act of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of the UN Charter...

PGA Statement on the situation in Ukraine

PGA reaffirms that any military attack directed against Ukrainian territory would be unlawful use of force prohibited by the UN Charter and may qualify as crime of aggression attributable to the individual criminal responsibility of the leader(s).

PGA et le CRWDP dénoncent l’incarcération et la persécution de l’ancien député burundais, Fabien Banciryanino

Nous dénonçons les accusations portées contre M. Banciryanino pour avoir condamné les violations des droits de la personne dans son pays et exhortons les autorités à le libérer immédiatement et sans condition.

Alerte d’action urgente 5 : Ethiopie

Les autorités en Éthiopie doivent mettre fin aux arrestations arbitraires, aux persécutions politiques et aux meurtres de masse.

In Support of Senator Leila De Lima: Anita Vandenbeld Addresses Canadian Parliament

Anita Vandenbeld addresses Canadian Parliament to mark 4 years of Senator Leila De Lima Imprisonment.

Global parliamentarians stand in solidarity with Myanmar colleagues

As organizations of current and former lawmakers from across the world, we stand in solidarity with the elected representatives of Myanmar's Parliament and call on the military to respect democracy...

Les Parlementaires autour du monde condamnent le coup d’État au Myanmar

L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires condamne fermement le coup d’État qui a eu lieu aujourd’hui au Myanmar

PGA Launches the Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT)

Increasing consensus holds that democracy is in decline globally. Elements of backsliding include progressive erosion of such principles as separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial independence...

PGA Members Take Decisive Action in Support of Prisoner of Conscience and PGA Member Senator Leila de Lima (The Philippines)

There have been 563 documented violations of the human rights of members of parliament (MPs) - a more than 20 percent increase in two years.

PGA partage ses préoccupations à l'égard du maintien en détention pendant plus de deux ans d'une de ses membres au sein du Sénat philippin, Leila de Lima

Senators De Lima and Trillanes IV called for the unconstitutionality of The Philippines’ withdrawal from the Rome Statute of the ICC, which may take effect on 17 March.

The Role of Parliamentarians as Advocates for Human Rights, Equality, Justice and Atrocity Prevention

On 30 May 2018, a high-level group of Canadian Lawmakers committed to human rights convened a meeting to discuss the Campaigns and priorities of PGA.