
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

Iraqi MP: abducted Yazidi women must return

A guest on Al Arabiya News: Point of Order was member of the Iraqi “Kurdistan Democrat” party Vian Dakhil.

Iraqi Yazidi MP said that their joy regarding the liberation of Sinjar will not be complete until the return of the abducted Yazidi women. She added that the “Peshmerga” forces liberated Sinjar from ISIS and pointed that Syrian Kurdish forces helped at the time but are now requested to return to where they came from in Syria.

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Dernières Nouvelles

The group convened on April 23, 2024 in Mexico City

the work of the organization and to encourage them to become PGA members

Photo Courtesy Swedish International Development Agency

PGA seeks to protect and promote liberties and freedoms for all individuals against a vision of curtailment that employs a rhetoric based on ‘traditional values and norms’ to discriminate and divide.

With Grenada’s accession, 72 States are now Parties, two have signed it and 19 have been invited to accede to the Convention.

Grenada joining the Convention on Cybercrime may set an example for other countries of the Caribbean region to follow.