
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.


Alerte d’action urgente 5 : Ethiopie

Les autorités en Éthiopie doivent mettre fin aux arrestations arbitraires, aux persécutions politiques et aux meurtres de masse.

In Support of Senator Leila De Lima: Anita Vandenbeld Addresses Canadian Parliament

Anita Vandenbeld addresses Canadian Parliament to mark 4 years of Senator Leila De Lima Imprisonment.

Jamaica should repeal homophobic laws, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights rules

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has found the Jamaican government responsible for violating multiple rights of a gay man and a lesbian woman and urges an immediate repeal of the country’s homophobic laws.

Panel Discussion: How Parliamentarians Can Support At-Risk Human Rights Defenders

Parliamentarians for Global Action and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights co-hosted a panel discussion on the documentary film NASRIN and how legislators can support at-risk human rights defenders.

Meeting of Kenyan MPs and members of Girls Not Brides National Partnership in Kenya

PGA facilitated a meeting between Members of Parliament of Kenya and members of Girls Not Brides’ National Partnership in Kenya

Global parliamentarians stand in solidarity with Myanmar colleagues

As organizations of current and former lawmakers from across the world, we stand in solidarity with the elected representatives of Myanmar's Parliament and call on the military to respect democracy...

In memoriam – Honorable Meherzia Labidi, une voix pour la justice et les droits humains en Tunisie

C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous soulignons le décès de l’Honorable Meherzia Labidi, survenu le 22 janvier 2021, à l’âge de 57 ans.

Les Parlementaires autour du monde condamnent le coup d’État au Myanmar

L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires condamne fermement le coup d’État qui a eu lieu aujourd’hui au Myanmar

PGA exprime toute sa solidarité avec les victimes du conflit armé en République centrafricaine

PGA exprime toute sa solidarité envers les victimes du conflit armé en République centrafricaine et fait appel à la communauté internationale afin de soutenir un véritable processus de paix, de stabilisation et de renforcement de l’État basé sur le respect des droits humains, de la justice et de la démocratie.

PGA expresses solidarity with Members of the US Congress attacked on January 6, 2021 and calls for accountability for the acts of violence that led to the deaths of four people

Members of PGA, the largest network of individual legislators from all regions of the world committed to democracy, human rights and the rule of law, deplore the unprecedented attacks on the US Congress that took place in Washington DC on January 6, 2021

Improving the system for the nomination and elections of Judges: Can the “ICC system” learn from the European Court of Human Rights?

Webinar organised by Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) in partnership with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Strategic Dialogue among parliamentarians and civil society on Ending Child, Early and Forced Marriage and other harmful practices in Kenya

On December 16, 2020, PGA organized a webinar for Kenyan parliamentarians to discuss the need to address harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) and female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM) in the context of COVID-19.

UPDATE - Dominican Republic's Senate approves bill that prohibits child marriage

On December 15, the Senate unanimously ratified the bill to reform article 144 and repeal article 145 of its Civil Code effectively prohibiting child marriage. The bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on November 18, 2020.

In Memoriam – Asambleísta Bairon Valle, National Assembly of Ecuador

As a member of the PGA National Group in Ecuador, Asambleísta Valle actively participated in the group’s work to promote human rights, justice, democratic principles and institutions and the rule of law.

The Council of the European Union Adopts New Mechanism to Address Serious Human Rights Violations

On 7 December 2020, the Council of the European Union adopted two binding instruments establishing a framework to sanction individuals, legal persons, entities or bodies, responsible for committing serious human rights abuses.

Lawmakers in Ecuador Discuss Impact of COVID-19 on Small-Scale Fisheries

On November 30, 2020, the Commission on Biodiversity and Natural Resources of the National Assembly of the Republic of Ecuador discussed the urgent need to mobilize support for small-scale fisheries.

Egyptian Authorities Should Immediately and Unconditionally Release Human Rights Activists

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) condemns the recent imprisonment of three leaders of a prominent Egyptian civil society organization, who have been held in pre-trial detention on baseless charges...

Italy’s Chamber of Deputies approves anti-discrimination bill that protects women and LGBTI people

Italy’s Chamber of Deputies approved an anti-discrimination bill that makes violence against women and LGBTI people a hate crime, increasing prison terms for perpetrators of such attacks.