
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

Archive July 2015

The Parliament of Indonesia was represented by 6 Members of Parliament from the House and the Senate, including leading PGA Members in Indonesia. Photo: Malaysian Parliament.

Hosted by the Parliament of Malaysia, in Partnership with the CICC

This ratification brings the number of ratifying States to 82.

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) welcomes the ratification of the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) by the Parliament of Togo on 10 July, 2015.

Parliament of Jordan, Amman, July 27, 2015

A follow-up Strategy meeting on Accountability for Mass-Atrocities and Strategies to Counter Violent Extremism and Protect Civilians in the MENA region

The public hearings of the ’Operation Condor’ Trial took place in the Aula Bunker of the High Court of Rome’s Penal Tribunal in Rebibbia.

On 9 and 10 July 2015, the Secretary-General of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Dr. David Donat-Cattin, attended the public hearings of the ’Operation Condor’ Trial in the Aula Bunker of the High Court of Rome’s Penal Tribunal in Reb

Dep. Théophile Yombombe (Chad)

The National Assembly of Chad Ratifies Ordinance N006/PR/2015 banning child marriage by enforcing 18 as the minimum legal age of marriage in the country.

Hon. Pindi Chana (Tanzania), Chairperson of the International Council of PGA, Deputy Minister of Family Affairs, Youth, and Gender (center, in yellow suit), led the PGA Delegation that met with the President of the Senate of Haiti (center, in grey suit).

International Justice Day Statement by Hon. Dr. Pindi Chana, MP (Tanzania), in her capacity as Chairperson of the International Council, Parliamentarians for Global Action

President of PGA National Group in Chile, Dip. Tucapel Jimenez

President of PGA National Group in Chile, Dip. Tucapel Jimenez, makes a parliamentary declaration requesting the Government to send the Bill on cooperation with the ICC to Parliament

© Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

MPs from Costa Rica and El Salvador strategized over progressing their respective processes of domestic implementation and ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC .

PGA Delegates meeting with Board of Directors, Legislative Assembly of El Salvador

PGA Members, Dip. Berta Sanseverino (Uruguay), Dip. Manuel Garrido (Argentina), and Dip. Tucapel Jiménez (Chile), along with PGA program staff, Mónica Adame and Romina Morello, conducted a field mission to El Salvador.

PGA Members Ms. Barbara Lochbihler, MEP (Germany) and Mr. Helmut Scholz, MEP (Germany)

Vor hundert Jahren, am 9. Juli 1915, endete die deutsche Kolonialherrschaft im heutigen Namibia. Zwischen 1904 und 1908 ermordeten die Kolonialherren dort 90.000 Herero und Nama.

PGA Commends the Italian Judiciary for the Historic Trial of Certain Leaders of ’Operation Condor’

PGA commends the Italian Judiciary for the historic trial of certain leaders of ‘Operation Condor’ and asks that victims and witnesses from Latin America be heard and treated with dignity and respect for their inalienable rights.

The Resolution demonstrates a growing commitment and global support towards ending child, early, and forced marriage.

PGA commends the United Nations Human Rights Council for its recent adoption of a Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriage during its 29th session.

PGA Member, Hon. James Selfe, MP (South Africa)

Hon. James Selfe recently joined PGA amidst the unfolding events around the neglect of the ICC arrest warrants, as well as the national Gauteng High Court orders, for the arrest of Omar Al-Bashir. During the debates in the South African people’s assembly