
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Dorcas Sibanda: Death Penalty Should be Abolished Completely

Hon. Dorcas Sibanda, MP (Zimbabwe)
Hon. Dorcas Sibanda, MP (Zimbabwe)

After moving a motion in the National Assembly of Zimbabwe to abolish the death penalty, Hon. Sibanda was interviewed by the local newspaper NewsDay. "As a member of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), I am very active within the Campaign for the Abolition of the Death Penalty. With fellow parliamentarians from across the world, we strive to reduce the scope of capital punishment and ultimately to abolish it by working together and supporting each other," highlighted the Zimbabwean female parliamentarian. 

Read the full interview here.

Últimas Actividades: Campaña APM

Photo by Daniel Gregoire on Unsplash

It is with profound concern that PGA became aware this morning of the communication of a circular from the Ministry of Justice of the Democratic Republic of the Congo formalizing the decision to lift the moratorium on the death penalty in the country.

Architect: Henry BernardPhoto: Council of Europe, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The ratification comes 2.5 years after the ratification of the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (ICCPR-OP2) by the Government of Armenia which took place on 18 March 2021.

21ˢᵗ World Day Against the Death Penalty

Capital punishment constitutes a grave violation of international standards and human rights law, as it inflicts torture and other forms of ill-treatment on death row inmates – the prohibition of which is nevertheless a peremptory norm of international law.