
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Centro de Noticias

PGA calls for the universal access to safe, effective, and affordable vaccines against the COVID-19

PGA expresses concerns about the unsatisfactory fulfilment of the right to access safe, effective, and affordable vaccines.

International Day of Parliamentarism 2021

The International Day of Parliamentarism is celebrated every year on 30 June, the date in 1889 on which the IPU was founded. The Day was established in 2018 through a United Nations General Assembly Resolution.

La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declara al Estado de Honduras responsable por la muerte de Vicky Hernández, una activista transgénero

Se trata de la primera vez que el máximo tribunal regional de derechos humanos, con sede en Costa Rica, responsabiliza a un Estado por la muerte -y la no persecución de los responsables - de una persona trans

Strategic Meeting of the PGA United Nations Advisory Committee

Members of Parliament engage with the Diplomatic Community on priorities of the United Nations Common Agenda

Engaging Female and Male Parliamentarians in Promoting Nuclear and Radiological Security

This Webinar is the first of a series of 8 virtual projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean aimed at facilitating and encouraging parliamentary diplomacy in Promoting Nuclear and Radiological Security

Reunión del Grupo Nacional de PGA en Honduras sobre el Proyecto de Ley de Igualdad y Equidad

legisladores de Honduras miembros de PGA sostuvieron una reunión virtual con representantes de la organización de la sociedad civil hondureña Somos CDC para discutir el Proyecto de Ley de Igualdad y Equidad

Ecuadorian Legislators Engage on Sustainable Oceans, Human Rights, and Democracy

The purpose of the meeting was to introduce PGA’s Programs and Campaigns to newly elected members of the National Assembly, and to elect a Secretary for the National Group

Estados Miembros de la OEA se reúnen con Funcionarios de la CPI y Representantes de la Sociedad Civil para hablar de Justicia Internacional y Cooperación

El 3 de junio de 2021, la Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos y Políticos de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), celebró una importante “Sesión técnica de trabajo para el fortalecimiento de la cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional.”

Join PGA in virtual attendance of the UN High-Level Debate on the Ocean

The President of the UN General Assembly will convene a high-level thematic debate on the ocean and Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, at United Nations Headquarters in New York and virtually

Croatia ratifies four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes

PGA congratulates Croatia on ratifying four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes, including the most recent one on starvation as a punishable offence in non-international armed conflicts.

Enabling Women Parliamentarians in Asia - Preventing, Combating and Eradicating the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons

Participants from 4 countries as well as from the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) took part in this Virtual Meeting

Seminario Parlamentario: La Implementación de estándares internacionales para la lucha contra la Impunidad por la Comisión de Crímenes Atroces

Los participantes y panelistas tuvieron la ocasión de discutir sobre varias situaciones concretas en la región bajo el actual y difícil contexto global causado por la pandemia del COVID-19 y las protestas sociales que han tenido lugar en varios países latinoamericanos.

Parliament of Ukraine Adopts Bill to Implement International Criminal and Humanitarian Law

Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) adopted Bill 2689 “On amendments to certain legislative acts on the Enforcement of International Criminal and Humanitarian Law”

Increased support for Zimbabwean MPs expelled from Parliament

Written Question To HR/VP Borrell On The Political Situation In Zimbabwe And The Case Of Expulsion Of Democratically Elected Parliamentarians Of The MDC-Alliance

The Role of Parliamentarians in Atrocity Prevention

PGA co-sponsored an event with Concordia University's Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies to discuss, reflect and review current thinking on atrocity prevention approaches.

PGA condemns the adoption of the Sexual Offences Bill by the Parliament of Uganda

PGA condemns the 2019 Sexual Offenses Bill, adopted by the Parliament of Uganda on 03 May 2021, which violates international human rights law by criminalizing consensual same-gender sexual acts between adults.

PGA’s global membership condemns the terrorist attacks against President Mohamed Nasheed, Speaker of People’s Majlis, Maldives

PGA expresses heartfelt solidarity with the Speaker of the Republic of the Maldives, Hon. Mohamed Nasheed MP, former President of the Maldives and a member of PGA, members of security forces, and civilians who were victims of a barbaric bombing yesterday

Dominican Republic and Ecuador Take Important Steps to Decriminalize Abortion

Positive news in Dominican Republic and Ecuador regarding efforts to decriminalize abortion. PGA members Diputada Magda Rodríguez and Asambleísta Esther Cuesta, respectively, have shared their reactions